E-Mail info@abcfoundation.info
Contact Phone 355 42 253 841
The present Call for Applications is open for the recruitment of experts for the approved Project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs”, Skills4MSEs....................
ABC Foundation is an implementing partner of the project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs” Skills4MSEs, co-founded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece)...........................
The present Call for Applications is open for the recruitment of experts for the approved Project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs”, Skills4MSEs, (project code 5045017)...............
ALBANIAN BESA CAPITAL Foundation is a non-for-profit organization, without membership, independent, non-governmental, non-political, founded on free will by the founders...
ABC Foundation, in accordance with the Mission and determined objectives, provides support in three main directions...
Grants are provided through a competition process, starting with an open announcement for presentation of proposals or projects..
ABC Foundation, in accordance with the Mission and determined objectives, provides support in three main directions: