Ne fund te vitit 2013, Partneret Shqiperi & Rockefeller Brothers organizuan Konkursin e perviteshem per Cmimin e Filantropise. Ky konkurs vlereson meritat e organizatave te shoqerise civile dhe komunitetit te biznesit ndaj mbeshtetjes per grupet ne nevoje ne shoqerine shqiptare. Per vitin 2013, Cmimi i Filantropise ne nivel Kombetar ju dha Fondacionit ABC “Per kontributin e dhene ne mbeshtetje te zhvillimit social, ekonomik e mjedisor ne vend, e ne veçanti per ndihmen e konsiderueshme ndaj komunitetit Rom, permes rikonstruksionit te Qendres Tranzitore te Emergjencave, si dhe mbeshtetjen ne infrastrukture per ruajtjen e mjedisit dhe zhvillimin e turizmit”. Cmimi ju dorezua Drejtorit Ekzekutiv te Fondacionit ABC, Z. Bajram Mucaj.
At the end of 2013, Partners Albania & Rockefeller Brothers organized the annual competition for the Philanthropy Award. The competition evaluates the merits of civil society organizations and business community to support vulnerable groups in the Albanian society. The 2013 Philanthropy Prize at national level was awarded by ABC Foundation “For its contribution in support of social, economic and environmental development, particularly for the substantial assistance to the Roma community by restructuring the Emergency Transit Centre, as well as for the infrastructure support to environmental conservation and tourism development”. The award was handed out by the Executive Director of ABC Foundation, Mr. Bajram Muçaj.