Foundation is issuing a Call for Applications for Experts in the field of Micro & Small enterprises.

Foundation is issuing a Call for Applications for Experts in the field of Micro & Small enterprises.
The present Call for Applications is open for the recruitment of experts for the approved Project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs”, Skills4MSEs, (project code 5045017), in the framework of the Program "Transnational Cooperation Program Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020 - CCI 2014TC16M4TN003", based in the Subsidy Contract No BMP1/1.3/1848/2019, datë 20/02/2019.
ABC Foundation is an implementing partner of the project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs” Skills4MSEs, co-founded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece).
ABC Foundation is a juridical entity which operates as a non-for-profit organization.
The aim of the ABC FOUNDATION is:
To encourage and improve the economic activities of different subjects like juridical and physical persons, which operate in the small and medium business area in Albania by creating job vacancies and stimulating self-employment;
• To develop, promote, extend the activity of abovementioned subjects by assisting and stimulating the initiative of private enterprises for the economic development of the country;
• To encourage the collaboration among small and medium businesses subjects;
• To promote financial services in different areas of the country;
• To have access in the financial services for the stimulation of the local economy by encouraging the employment;
• To give support to the civil society and interest groups in order to improve the business climate in Albania.
In the framework of the project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs”, Skills4MSEs, ABC FOUNDATION is opening this call for applications for experts.
The project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs”, Skills4MSEs, consists on the development of an integrated cross-border learning structure for the provision of business development services and other support tools for small and micro enterprises.
In the framework of the project “Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs” Skills4MSEs, ABC Foundation is seeking experts with professional capacities and experience for designing the course syllabus according to the needs identified in phase 1- training needs analysis and for pilot testing the training courses.
Reference: Skills4MSEs-EE-No.002”: External expert for “Description and Syllabus of the training courses” (WP3-D3.5.3) & “Pilot testing of the Training Courses”(WP5-D5.5.2)
The complete tender dossier is attached to this letter. It includes:
A. Instructions to tenderers
B. Draft Contract Agreement and Special Conditions with annexes:
I. General Conditions for service contracts
II. Terms of Reference
III. Organisation and Methodology (to be submitted by the tenderer using the template provided)
IV. The Expert CV
V. Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the Financial offer using the template provided)
VI. Forms and other supporting documents
C. Other information:
I. Administrative compliance grid
II. Evaluation grid
D. Tender submission form
The process will be mainly undertaken by external experts in close supervision and collaboration with ABC FOUNDATION. The tender dossier can be downloaded on:
Location: Albania
Application deadline: 19th, December 2019
Languages required: English
Starting date: 18th, November 2019
Expected Duration of Assignment: 24 months
We look forward to receiving your tender before the deadline set in point 8 of the Instructions to tenderers.
Applicants that have extensive experience in one or more of the fields of expertise listed above and would like to be considered for our roster of experts are invited to submit their documents to ABC FOUNDATION.
The documents should be prepared in English and submitted to the email address:
Albanian Besa Capital Foundation
Rruga: “Dritan Hoxha”, Laprakë, Tiranë, email: info@abcfoundation.inf
Yours sincerely
Bajram MUÇAJ
Executive Director